What to Expect at Your Toddler's First Gymnastics Class

First Toddler Gymnastics Class: Expectations and Guide

We understand that starting gymnastics can be both exciting and a bit overwhelming for toddlers and their parents. To help make the experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible, here’s what you can expect during your child’s first class, combining both our structured class plan and general expectations.

1. Class Placement and Age Groups:

If your child is about to join the Toddler Gymnastics class, they will be placed in a group specifically designed for toddlers, typically aged 3 to 4 years old. Children in the same age group may vary in size and developmental stage, and that’s perfectly normal. Our instructors are experienced in working with toddlers at different stages, creating an environment where each child can learn and grow at their own pace.

2. Toddler Class Structure:

The Toddler Gymnastics class is designed to be a playful introduction to gymnastics, incorporating elements of games and creative play. This approach helps young children develop coordination and basic motor skills while having fun.

  • Free Play (10 minutes):
    The class begins with a 10-minute free play session, divided into areas like Monkey bars (6 minutes) and the ball pit (4 minutes). This unstructured playtime allows your child to engage in physical activity and explore the space, helping them warm up naturally and get comfortable in the new environment.

  • Warm-up (10 minutes):
    Following free play, the class moves into an active song and circle time. This part introduces movement in a fun way and includes guided exercises to prepare your child’s muscles for the activities ahead. Participation in the warm-up is essential for ensuring that all toddlers are ready for the class.

  • Exercise Stations (30 minutes):
    The core of the class involves rotating through different exercise stations, each designed to teach basic movements through playful activities. Your child will have the chance to perform each station at least twice. The first station focuses on floor exercises, emphasizing proper form and listening skills. The second station involves trampoline activities, which help develop coordination and the ability to follow instructions. During this time, the coach will observe and assess your child’s performance.

  • Stretching and Goodbye Circle (5 minutes):
    The class ends with a cool-down stretching session and a circle song, signaling the conclusion of the class. The coach will also provide feedback during this time, offering insights into your child’s progress and any areas to focus on.

3. Observation and Gradual Participation:

It’s normal for toddlers to be a bit shy or hesitant during their first class. Our instructors understand that each child adjusts differently. Your child may observe initially, helping them familiarize themselves with the surroundings and routines. Participation is encouraged at their own pace, and our instructors will gently guide them as they become more comfortable.

4. Instructor Interaction:

Our instructors are skilled in guiding toddlers through their first steps in gymnastics using simple instructions and plenty of positive reinforcement. If your child is hesitant, the instructor may demonstrate the activities or provide gentle guidance to encourage participation. The goal is to build confidence and engagement without overwhelming your child.

5. Parental Support:

We recognize that some children may seek comfort from their parents during the class, especially if they feel uncertain or overwhelmed. If this happens, our instructors will support your child in finding their comfort zone. In some cases, if more adjustment time is needed, we may recommend starting with a “Parent & Me” class where you can be more actively involved until your child feels more confident to join on their own.

6. Adaptation and Patience:

The first class is primarily about helping your child adapt to the new environment. We encourage patience as it may take a few sessions for your child to fully engage and feel comfortable. Our goal is to ensure that your child enjoys their time in the gym and begins to develop a love for gymnastics.

7. Important Considerations:

  • Class Duration: 55 minutes.
  • Water Breaks: Two scheduled breaks during the class.
  • Restroom: We recommend ensuring your toddler uses the restroom before the class begins.
  • Hair Policy: Toddlers with long hair should have it tied back with a hair band or ponytail.
  • Sock Policy: To keep our gym clean, everyone entering the training room or gym area, including gymnasts, coaches, staff, and parents, must remove their shoes and wear socks on the carpets. This policy ensures a clean and safe environment for all.
  • Shoe Policy: As soon as you step off the carpets, please put your shoes back on. Do not step off the carpets in socks and then return. If you need to leave the gym area (for the bathroom, waiting area, or office), be sure to put your shoes back on before doing so.
  • Skill Development: The class emphasizes basic movements, coordination, and following instructions, laying the foundation for your child’s physical and cognitive growth through playful and engaging activities.
  • Feedback Loop: The feedback session at the end of the class is an opportunity for the coach and parents to discuss the child’s progress. This is optional and can be initiated either by the parent or the coach. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification—our goal is to work together to support your child’s development.

8. Overall Experience:

We strive to create a positive, nurturing environment where your child can explore the joys of gymnastics at their own pace. Our instructors are here to make sure that every child feels valued and supported, and we are always available to address any concerns or questions you may have.

Important Distinction: While our Toddler Gymnastics class includes elements of games and creative play to make learning enjoyable, our Level 1 classes focus more specifically on coordination, stretching, and skill development. The transition from Toddler Gymnastics to Level 1 involves moving from a game-oriented approach to a more structured focus on gymnastics techniques and foundational skills.

Important Information: If you’re curious about the broader benefits of gymnastics for young children, you can learn more from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Rhythmic Art Gymnastics and helping them start their exciting journey in the world of gymnastics!

As soon as you step off the carpets, please put your shoes back on. Do not step off the carpets in socks and then return. If you need to leave the gym area (for the bathroom, waiting area, or office), be sure to put your shoes back on before doing so.


Yes, That is right. IT IS FREE, FREE FREE FREE. No obligations, no hidden fees, NOTHING.
We are USA professional gymnastics club with huge amounts of accomplishments.

Internal Links for the Toddler Gymnastics Class:

  • Class Schedule for Toddler Gymnastics: Check out our class schedule to find the best time for your child’s first Toddler Gymnastics class.
  • Pricing Information: Visit our pricing page to learn more about the cost of our Toddler Gymnastics program under the recreational section.


In order to attend the class and be in the gym, you have to have socks on. It is mandatory and NO EXCEPTIONS!


We need to go over minimal paperwork


To prevent injuries, please take off all items that can bring any harm during an active environment.