Level 1 Rhythmic Gymnastics - What to Expect in Your Child's First Class

First RHYTHMIC Gymnastics Class: Expectations and Guide

We are excited to welcome your child to our Level 1 Rhythmic Gymnastics class at Rhythmic Art Gymnastics. This class is designed to introduce your child to the foundational skills of rhythmic gymnastics in a fun, supportive environment. To help ensure a positive experience, we want to set clear expectations for what your child will encounter during their trial class.

1. Focus on Basic Skills:

The Level 1 class is designed to introduce your child to the foundational skills of rhythmic gymnastics. During this class, we focus on basic movements and techniques that are essential for building a strong gymnastics foundation. Advanced or complex skills will not be taught at this stage. Instead, the focus is on perfecting the basics, which are crucial stepping stones for more challenging elements that your child will encounter as they progress.

2. Class Structure and Activities:

Our Level 1 class is thoughtfully designed to provide a balanced introduction to rhythmic gymnastics. Each session is structured to include:

  • Jumps with Rope or Jumps on Trampoline (10-15 minutes):
    The class begins with dynamic activities such as jump rope or trampoline exercises, selected based on the week and class size. This variety introduces different elements of gymnastics and helps keep the experience engaging.

  • Warm-Up, Stretching, and Conditioning (15 minutes):
    After the jumping activities, the class moves into a comprehensive warm-up that includes stretching and conditioning exercises. This segment is crucial for preparing the gymnasts physically, ensuring safety, flexibility, and readiness for the exercises ahead.

  • Elements and Difficulties (20 minutes):
    This portion of the class focuses on foundational elements and challenges designed to prepare participants for progression to Level 2. Exercises may include basic techniques and movements that are essential building blocks for more advanced gymnastics.

  • Partner Work – Sit-ups, Back Conditioning, and Sprints (10-15 minutes):
    Participants engage in partner exercises, such as sit-ups and back conditioning, followed by sprints. These activities not only improve strength and cardiovascular health but also foster teamwork and social interaction.

  • Routine Practice (20-25 minutes, if applicable):
    If there is an upcoming performance or holiday show, the last portion of the class is dedicated to routine choreography. This allows children to practice and refine their moves, building confidence in their performance skills.

3. Skill Assessment and Progression:

The trial class also serves as an opportunity for our instructors to assess your child’s current skill level. This helps us understand where your child stands in terms of readiness for more advanced training. Based on your child’s performance and your own goals, we can discuss the possibility of moving forward into our competitive team if that aligns with your interests. However, it’s important to understand that competitive gymnastics requires a significant commitment to a rigorous schedule, discipline, and consistent practice.

  • First Class Evaluation:
    During your child’s first visit, our coaches will conduct an initial evaluation to gauge their skills and abilities. This evaluation helps us determine the appropriate level for your child, ensuring they are both challenged and comfortable.

  • Potential for Higher Placement:
    We recognize that some children may exhibit skills or potential that qualify them for a higher level than the initial Level 1 placement. Our program is competitive, and our goal is to place each child where they will thrive and have the best opportunity for growth.

4. Expectations for Competitive Aspirants:

For families considering the competitive gymnastics path, we have a dedicated team that trains specifically for competitions. This team typically practices in the gym complex next to the ‘blue gym,’ which is designed to support the intense training required for higher-level gymnastics. The commitment to this program is substantial, and it’s essential to ensure that both you and your child are prepared for the demands of this training, including sustaining the schedule and maintaining discipline and consistency.

5. Adjustment Period and Parental Guidance:

It’s natural for children to need some time to adjust to new environments. While the first class is important for initial assessments, subsequent classes often reveal more about a child’s capabilities as they become more comfortable.

  • Adjustment Period:
    We encourage parents not to focus solely on immediate results. Observing your child’s interest and response to the sport is crucial. Some children may require 4 to 6 classes to fully adapt and show their true potential.

  • Advice for Parents:
    Patience and support are key during this adjustment period. Allow your child to explore and enjoy the process without pressure. This helps them build confidence and develop a love for gymnastics.

6. Overall Experience:

Our primary goal for the Level 1 class is to ensure that your child feels comfortable, excited, and supported as they begin their gymnastics journey. We strive to create an environment where they can enjoy learning new skills while laying the groundwork for future success in the sport. Should you have any concerns or questions, our staff is here to support you every step of the way.

As soon as you step off the carpets, please put your shoes back on. Do not step off the carpets in socks and then return. If you need to leave the gym area (for the bathroom, waiting area, or office), be sure to put your shoes back on before doing so.


Yes, That is right. IT IS FREE, FREE FREE FREE. No obligations, no hidden fees, NOTHING.
We are USA professional gymnastics club with huge amounts of accomplishments.

Internal Links the Recreational Rhythmic Gymnastics Class:

  • Class Schedule for Level 1: Check out our class schedule to find the best time for your child’s first Level 1 gymnastics class.
  • Pricing Information: Visit our pricing page to learn more about the cost of our Level 1 gymnastics program under the recreational section.


In order to attend the class and be in the gym, you have to have socks on. It is mandatory and NO EXCEPTIONS!


We need to go over minimal paperwork


To prevent injuries, please take off all items that can bring any harm during an active environment.